We’re Sam & Cath — the humans behind this literal mom & pop shop. We’re a husband-and-wife duo, who have been teaching together for 10 years. (We also are raising two young kiddos together and have been running yoga and meditation businesses together for a decade, so we TOO need all the yoga and meditation we can get ;)).

We met in a yoga studio in Washington, DC, back when Cath was still corporate-lawyering in Big Law and Sam was already teaching yoga in Annapolis & Baltimore (his home town). Sam first came to yoga as a stiff, strong, college athlete and the practice not only opened up his tight hamstrings, but his mind. Cath started yoga with a VHS tape in high school gym class (opting out of kickball for the win!) and the began seriously studying yoga and meditation and daily practice in law school.

We’ve built communities around this practice first in Washington, DC at our longtime home, Flow Yoga Center, and have taught internationally in places like Costa Rica, Mexico, Sydney, and France.

We couldn’t a more special place than Kinderhook to open our studio, raise our family, and be of service to a community.

Since moving to Kinderhook from DC in 2020, we’ve gotten to know so many wonderful folks in this community, appreciate a sense of reverence for the natural world around us that makes the Hudson Valley so special, and enjoy the vibrant cultural food, art, and the local business scene, which we are now so grateful to be a part of.

Supporting the community is why we’ve opened Village Yoga.

In our opening weeks, we’ve had the JOY of meeting so many of you. And YOU have met each other. We simply love watching you meet and form connections before and after class, putting names to faces and making new friends. Having a regular routine of a practice that connects you more closely to each other and your own sense of self AND getting to build community around that in a shared, third space is a pretty special thing. We can’t wait to grow and support this community for a long time to come, and we’re getting started right now — one person, one practice at a time. Thanks for simply BEING here.

All are welcome at Village Yoga.

We’re co-creating with you a schedule of offerings that serve as wide a slice of the community as we can. From classes designed to be accessible to seniors (check out the healthy backs class), those with limited mobility (try the rest or meditation practice), to folks who just never saw themselves coming to yoga (we’ve got two beginner’s practices each week). We’re hoping to expand those efforts of inclusivity as we grow with an expanded teaching staff and community partnerships, like our local-business sponsorhip of Kinderhook Pride. We’re also planning workshops and special events that allow us to highlight and give space for diverse voices, teachers, creators, and practitioners of all kinds of healing modalities. If you have a suggestion or want to collaborate or become part of our growing teaching team, please email us at hello@villageyoga.co

We’re dedicated to fair pricing that reflects the true costs (& devotion) of running a small family business, the value of our offerings, the community we’re building and serving. We offer a weekly free meditation class on Fridays and have already teamed up with the Village of Kinderhook to teach a free class in the park this past June. We plan on doing as much of these events as we can and reaching out to form partnerships that will allow us to bring this mediation, yoga, and mindfulness work to as much of our community as possible. Stay tuned for so much more to come. If you have a suggestion or want to collaborate, please email us at hello@villageyoga.co